What Moms Really Want In 2023 For Mother’s Day

Mother's Day is a special occasion dedicated to honoring and appreciating the incredible mothers and mother figures in our lives. While traditional gifts like flowers, chocolates, and greeting cards hold their charm, why not take a more unconventional approach this year? New poll shows what mothers really want for mothers day, and the results would surprise you. 

Here are some of the unconventional mother’s day gifts mothers really should be getting in 2023 which would make a world of difference. 

1.Federally Paid Maternity Leave 

Imagine a world where mothers across the nation get the invaluable support of federally paid maternity leave. In recognizing the importance of this policy, we can acknowledge the critical role mothers play in our society and advocate for their well-being. Federally paid maternity leave is a meaningful and progressive Mother's Day gift, with a positive impact on both mothers and families as a whole.

Paid maternity leave would empower moms by granting them the opportunity to fully focus on their well-being and that of their newborns during the crucial early stages. By providing financial stability and job security, mothers would be able to prioritize their physical and mental health, bonding with their babies, and adapting to the demands of motherhood without the added stress of financial strain.

The availability of paid maternity leave would allow mothers to provide essential care and nurture their children in their earliest and most formative months. Research consistently demonstrates the positive correlation between extended time spent with newborns and improved child development outcomes, including better cognitive and emotional development, increased breastfeeding rates, and reduced instances of infant mortality.

Providing federally paid maternity leave would demonstrate a commitment to workplace equality, recognizing the importance of supporting working mothers and acknowledging the unique challenges they face. Until it happens, join us and sign the petiton for PAID LEAVE FOR ALL.

The lack of federal paid leave in America is an urgent crisis. 

One in four women in this country have had to go back to work within two weeks of giving birth. And if you or a family member is sick and needs care, there is no provision from the government for paid family and medical leave. Only 25 percent of workers have access to paid family leave through their jobs. In the lowest quarter of wage earners—predominantly women and women of color—only nine percent have access to paid family leave. This means tens of millions of workers have no ability to take care of themselves or their families without losing money, or falling into debt—and are often forced to work no matter their personal situation.


2. Pelvic Floor Therapy Covered By Insurance 

Moms around the world experience various physical and emotional changes during pregnancy, childbirth, and postpartum recovery. One essential aspect of their well-being that often goes overlooked is the health of their pelvic floor. Pelvic floor therapy, a specialized form of physical therapy, focuses on addressing pelvic floor dysfunction and can provide numerous benefits for mothers. It is crucial for insurance companies to recognize the significance of pelvic floor therapy and cover its costs. Here's why mothers would enjoy a mothers day gift of insurance coverage of pelvic floor therapy:

Postpartum Rehabilitation: Pregnancy and childbirth can weaken the pelvic floor muscles, leading to issues such as urinary incontinence, pelvic pain, and pelvic organ prolapse. Pelvic floor therapy offers targeted exercises, manual techniques, and education to help mothers regain strength, improve muscle coordination, and alleviate discomfort.

Improved Quality of Life: Pelvic floor dysfunction can significantly impact a mother's quality of life. By covering pelvic floor therapy, insurance companies can help mothers overcome issues like urinary urgency, frequency, and leakage, allowing them to regain confidence, engage in daily activities without limitations, and fully enjoy their motherhood journey.

Prevention and Cost Savings: Pelvic floor therapy is not only beneficial for postpartum recovery but can also help prevent future complications. By addressing pelvic floor dysfunction early on, mothers may reduce the risk of developing more severe conditions that require costly surgical interventions. Insurance coverage for pelvic floor therapy is an investment in preventive care that can lead to long-term cost savings for both mothers and insurers.

Support for Mental Health: Pelvic floor dysfunction can have a significant impact on a mother's mental health, causing feelings of embarrassment, frustration, and isolation. By covering pelvic floor therapy, insurance companies demonstrate a commitment to comprehensive maternal care, recognizing that addressing physical discomfort and improving body functionality can positively impact mental well-being.

Equality in Access to Care: Insurance coverage for pelvic floor therapy would ensure that all mothers, regardless of their financial means, have access to the essential services they need. It would promote equality in healthcare, acknowledging that pelvic floor health is a fundamental aspect of postpartum recovery that should not be limited to those who can afford it out of pocket.

3. Lactation Consultants for All

Lactation consultants play a crucial role in supporting mothers during their breastfeeding journey. As we celebrate Mother's Day, it is essential to recognize and appreciate the valuable contributions of lactation consultants. Here are some benefits they provide to all mothers, making them an invaluable gift:

Education and Guidance: Lactation consultants possess specialized knowledge and training in breastfeeding. They provide evidence-based information, techniques, and guidance to help mothers establish and maintain a successful breastfeeding relationship. Their expertise ensures that mothers receive accurate and up-to-date information, empowering them to make informed decisions about their breastfeeding experience.

Problem-solving and Troubleshooting: Breastfeeding challenges can arise, such as latching difficulties, low milk supply, nipple pain, or concerns about infant weight gain. Lactation consultants are skilled in assessing and addressing these issues. By offering personalized strategies and solutions, they help mothers overcome hurdles, promoting successful breastfeeding and minimizing frustration and discouragement.

Emotional Support: The breastfeeding journey can be emotionally demanding for mothers. Lactation consultants provide a supportive and non-judgmental environment where mothers can share their concerns, frustrations, and anxieties. Their empathetic approach helps mothers build confidence, reduce stress, and navigate the emotional ups and downs of breastfeeding.

Individualized Care: Each mother-baby dyad is unique, with varying breastfeeding goals, challenges, and preferences. Lactation consultants offer personalized care tailored to the specific needs of each mother and baby. They assess factors such as latch, positioning, milk transfer, and maternal health to provide customized recommendations and support that optimize breastfeeding success.

Partner Involvement: Lactation consultants also involve partners and other family members in the breastfeeding process. They educate and encourage partners to actively participate, providing support and understanding. By involving the entire family, lactation consultants help create a supportive environment that fosters successful breastfeeding and strengthens family bonds.

Community and Resource Connections: Lactation consultants often have extensive networks within the breastfeeding community. They can connect mothers with local support groups, online forums, and additional resources. By linking mothers to these valuable networks, lactation consultants enhance their access to peer support, camaraderie, and shared experiences.

4. No more Motherhood Penalty

In today's rapidly evolving society, it is crucial to recognize and address the issue of setting mothers' careers back when they have a baby. The traditional notion that motherhood automatically hinders a woman's professional growth is not only outdated but also detrimental to the progress of gender equality and the well-being of families. We shou;dnt be penalized for becoming a mother. 

Treating mothers' careers as expendable perpetuates gender disparities in the workforce. It reinforces the idea that women should bear the burden of balancing work and family, while men are not held to the same expectations. By valuing and supporting mothers' careers, we move closer to achieving gender equality in the workplace.

Mothers bring valuable skills, perspectives, and experiences to the workforce. By ensuring that their careers are not set back, society benefits from the contributions of these talented individuals, enhancing innovation, problem-solving, and productivity across industries.

Society should actively work towards eliminating the practice of setting mothers' careers back when they have a baby. Embracing equality, valuing diverse talent, driving economic advancement, promoting work-life balance, and prioritizing well-being are all compelling reasons to ensure that mothers can continue their professional journeys unhindered. By doing so, we foster a more inclusive and progressive society that benefits everyone.

5. More Affordable Childcare 

Affordable childcare is a remarkable gift to mothers, not just on Mother's Day but throughout the year. Affordable childcare relieves mothers of the constant worry and stress associated with finding reliable and affordable options for their children's care. It offers peace of mind, allowing mothers to focus on their careers, personal growth, and overall well-being. Affordable childcare facilitates a healthy work-life balance for mothers. It provides them with the flexibility to manage their work commitments while also dedicating quality time to their families.

This balance fosters happier, more fulfilled mothers who can fully engage in both their personal and professional lives. By advocating for affordable childcare, we create a society that values and supports the needs of mothers and families. It strengthens communities by enabling mothers to actively participate in the workforce and contribute to local economies. Affordable childcare is a gift that fosters social cohesion and empowers mothers to thrive.

Mother's Day is not just about the gifts themselves, but about the sentiments and emotions they convey. It is an opportunity to show our mothers that they are seen, valued, and celebrated for their unique qualities and the remarkable role they play in our lives.

So, as you consider your Mother's Day gifts this year, dare to think outside the box. Embrace the unconventional, and let your creativity shine as you give a gift that will be remembered and cherished for years to come. This Mother's Day, let us celebrate the extraordinary mothers in our lives with gifts as special and extraordinary as they are.